Fess-Up vs. Cover-Up

One of my oldest memories is getting caught after doing something that I knew would bring punishment and rebuke.  There is a sinking feeling of shame that comes just before the consequence of the errant deed.

When we do things that we are not proud of, there is this moment when we ask ourselves, “Should I fess-up or should I cover-up?”  The cover-up option seems to hold out hope that we won’t get caught because there is an assumption that our power to deceive is greater than the powers of investigation to uncover our bad choices.  On the other hand, the fess-up option could reduce the impact of our consequences because we “came clean.”
The thought of a cover-up conjures the memory of the most infamous cover-up in recent history:  Richard Nixon and Watergate.  Historians agree that if the President had come forward with the transgression, he would likely have remained in his office, which is evidence that a cover-up may not be the best choice.
When dealing with your biological father there is a slim chance that your transgression will go unnoticed, but the same is not true when dealing with your Heavenly Father.  He knows your guilt and provides a path to forgiveness.
There are those that, unfortunately, do not have an understanding father, one that will discipline with truth and grace.  God, our Heavenly Father, is the example for this merciful balance.  (John 1:14)
There will be a next time for you to face the question, “Fess-up or Cover-Up?”  The best choice is to decide to take the path toward the truth and fess-up.  It is the counter-cultural choice.  The world would have us deceive and hide as much as possible, but this leads to the degradation of character and inevitable disgrace.
Fessing up helps you face your consequences with peace and understanding.  Never let a failure go unstudied.

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